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Software Archives
Winsite ftp.winsite.com Large archive of Windows 3.x, 95 and NT programs and utilities.
Papa WinSock-L papa.indstate.edu Archive of Winsock programs and utilities.
Walnut Creek ftp.cdrom.com The Walnut Creek CDROM on line.
CICA ftp.cica.indiana.edu Center for Innovative Computer Applications
Oak Repository oak.oakland.edu Freeware and shareware programs for MS-DOS, Windows 3.x and 95.
SunSite sunsite.unc.edu Lots of UNIX stuff!
SimTel ftp.coast.net/SimTel/ Huge software repository of games, MS-DOS, Windows and OS/2 software.
UK Winsock Archive ftp.demon.co.uk Archive of Winsock programs and utilities, located in the U.K.
NCSA ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu The National Center for Supercomputer Applications
VOLftp volftp.vol.it Video On Line arge Shareware and Freeware Archive
FUNET nic.funet.fi Finnish Academic and Research Network FUNET
Type below what you want to find in World Wide Web:
![Welcome to Bruno Ravera's Internet Search Page](http://www.linkstar.com/linkstar/button/linkstar.gif)
Experimental Multi Search: ![](http://guaraldi.cs.colostate.edu:2000/ss-micro.gif)
Magellan went online in mid-August, 1995 and instantly
took a place as one of the premier resource directories on
the Web. Although Magellan's collection is much smaller
than Yahoo's, Magellan goes beyond Yahoo by offering
both a star rating and a brief description of each site.
Magellan's only failing is that it works far better for
searching than browsing; users seeking the best results
should take the time to master the search engine and run
specific rather than general searches.
AltaVista is an automatically generated index to Web sites and Usenet
news postings that ranks with the best search engines in
speed, quality, and comprehensiveness. Searching is an
either/or proposition: you can't search both newsgroups and
Web sites with the same query. As with the other
mega-huge indexes on the Web, users are advised to begin
with highly specific search terms -- otherwise you'll find
yourself browsing through hundreds of screens of search
results. Alta Vista is hosted by Digital Equipment
The search interface to Yahoo's enormous index to Web
resources. Unless you want to get fancy, searching is as
simple as typing in the keyword you're interested in and
selecting the "Search" button. The best feature of Yahoo
Search is the results page, which not only links you to the
sites that matched your query, but also to the Yahoo
subject areas where the sites were found.
A fast and friendly tool for searching the full-text of over a
million Web pages and hundreds of Usenet newsgroups. A
recent Web search for "michael jordan bulls basketball"
returned a ranked set of annotated links to such gems as
The Michael Jordan Page, Michael's Return, MICHAEL
JORDAN'S PAGE, and the Chicago Bulls Home Page.
Users can also browse Excite's database of over 60,000
Web site reviews.
The WebCrawler database is updated daily by the
WebCrawler robot, a software program that gathers and
indexes URLs as it crawls the Web. As of January 1997,
the database contained somewhere in the neighborhood of
12 million separate entries. WebCrawler uses a PLS search
engine that supports "natural language searching," meaning
users can search in plain English without worrying about
mastering complex search syntax.
A great database of Web pages, complimented by a Select
directory of sites to browse (sound familiar?). In addition to
the Web search, visitors can choose to search for
newsgroups, e-mail addresses, Reuters news, company
information, and Web FAQs. The only downside to
InfoSeek is that search results can only be browsed in
groups of 10 or 15 at a time.
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